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[2023-11] Invited commentary, Expanding horizons in reinforcement learning for curious exploration and creative planning, at Brain and Behavioral Sciences
[2023-11] Pre-print on the Architectural styles of curiosity in global Wikipedia mobile app readership
[2023-10] Awarded a 3-year, $261,000 fellowship from the George E. Hewitt Foundation for Medical Research. This fellowship will support my research on computational mechanisms of information compression and their relation to reward learning and memory alterations in mental illness.
[2023-09] Lectured for Advanced Topics in Graph Analysis at Johns Hopkins University, School of Engineering, Lifelong Learning courses in Data Science (with Will Gray-Roncal)
[2023-08] Started a postdoc at the Translational Neuroscience Lab (Mike Yassa) and the Computational Cognitive Neuroscience Lab (Aaron Bornstein) at UC Irvine!
[2023-06] Co-authored study, Alprazolam modulates persistence energy during emotion processing in first-degree relatives of individuals with schizophrenia: a network control study, published in Molecular Psychiatry
[2023-06] Attended the Santa Fe Institute's workshop on Collective Intelligence: Foundations + Radical Ideas
[2023-06] Defended my PhD on "Efficient and predictive coding from compression and control by human brain networks"!
[2023-05] Invited talk at the International Research Training Group, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany on our PNAS article on mindful attention
[2023-05] Accepted paper "Predictive coding from compression, control, and recurrence in human brain networks" at Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience at the University of Oxford, UK
[2023-02] Invited talk at Translational Neuroscience Lab (Mike Yassa) and the Computational Cognitive Neuroscience Lab (Aaron Bornstein) at UC Irvine
[2023-02] Invited talk at Russ Poldrack's lab at Stanford University
[2023-02] Our PNAS article on mindful attention was highlighted in Nature Mental Health by Dr. Natalia Gass (Associate Editor).
[2023-01] Artwork with Rebecca Kamen highlighted in Penn Today, Through the lens: A digital depiction of dyslexia.
[2023-01] Invited talk "Compression: relationships to the brain, behavior, and transdiagnostic symptoms" at Astle Lab, University of Cambridge.
[2023-01] Mindful Attention Promotes Control of Brain Network Dynamics for Self-Regulation and Discontinues the Past from the Present published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.


[2022-10] Selected for oral talk at NeurIPS workshop on Information Theoretic Principles in Cognitive Systems December 3 for the work, Compression supports low-dimensional representations of behavior across neural circuits.
[2022-10] Contributed to art exhibit, Dyslexic Dictionary, opening October 22-December 22 at Arion Press Gallery, The Presidio, San Francisco, CA. Collaboration with artist Rebecca Kamen and poet SJ Fowler:
[Video 1] ; [Video 2]
[2022-07] Co-authored study The information content of brain states is explained by structural constraints on state energetics published in Physical Review E. See also Viewpoint by Steven Schiff commenting on the work.
[2022-06] Co-authored study ASLPrep: a platform for processing of arterial spin labeled MRI and quantification of regional brain perfusion published in Nature Methods
[2022-06] Co-authored study Historical growth of concept networks in Wikipedia in press at Collective Intelligence
[2022-04] Co-authored study on Modeling observed gender imbalances in academic citation practices
[2022-04] Co-authored study on Curiosity as filling, compressing, and reconfiguring knowledge networks
[2022-03] Published Efficient Coding in the Economics of Human Brain Connectomics at Network Neuroscience
[2022-01] Excited to collaborate with the Wikimedia Foundation to study how readers curiously explore Wikipedia.


[2021-12] Pre-print on how Mindfulness Promotes Control of Brain Network Dynamics for Self-Regulation and Discontinues the Past from the Present
[2021-09] Press release in Penn Today about our visualizations displayed at the Museum at the Katzen Arts Center, American University for the exhibit Reveal: The Art of Reimagining Scientific Discovery
[2021-08] Visualizations created for our curiosity research showcased at the Museum at the Katzen Arts Center, American University for the exhibit Reveal: The Art of Reimagining Scientific Discovery
[2021-04] Co-authored textbook chapter on curiosity, Edgework: Viewing curiosity as fundamentally relational
[2021-03] Awarded NIH F31 National Research Service Award for the proposal, Brain Network Maturation and Executive Dysfunction Spanning Diagnostic Categories of Psychopathology
[2021-03] Co-authored paper won Communication & Science Biology top paper award at the 71st Annual International Communciation Association Conference, Gendered Citation Practices in the Field of Communication
[2021-01] Press releases in Penn Today and Penn Engineering Today on our work, Hunters, busybodies, and the knowledge network building associated with deprivation curiosity published in Nature Human Behavior


[2020-10] Co-authored study which models and tests overarching theories of scientific progress over the millennia from philosophy of science to find data-driven markers of breakthroughs, The network structure of scientific revolutions
[2020-10] Co-authored study on the gender and racial balance in neuroscience reference lists over the past decades, Racial and ethnic imbalance in neuroscience reference lists and intersections with gender
[2020-09] Co-authored study on the gender balance in communications reference lists over the past decades, Gendered Citation Practices in the Field of Communication
[2020-06] New review of how network science can model the complex behaviors of curiosity, The growth and form of knowledge networks by kinesthetic curiosity (Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, Special Issue on Curiosity (Explore vs Exploit))
[2020-02] Co-authored review, Models of communication and control for brain networks: distinctions, convergence, and future outlook (published in Network Neuroscience)
[2020-01] Diversity statement and code notebook available to calculate gender balance in reference lists, Diversity Statement and Code Notebook
[2020-01] Thrilled to share the first project of my PhD, Efficient Coding in the Economics of Human Brain Connectomics


[2019-06] Excited to be a co-author of Hunters, busybodies, and the knowledge network building associated with curiosity (published in Nature Human Behavior)
[2019-06] Advanced to PhD candidacy. Thank you to my advisors and committee, Sudeep Bhatia, Anna Jenkins, Konrad Kording, and Michael Platt.
[2019-05] Co-authored manuscript published in Journal of Complex Networks, Evolution of semantic networks in biomedical texts
[2019-04] Received travel award to present at the Sackler Colloquium, Brain Produces Mind by Modeling.


[2018-12] Began the Language and Communication Sciences Certificate Program, part of the MindCORE's initiative in Integrated Language Science and Technology.
[2018-08] Joined the Complex Systems Group (PI: Dani Bassett) and Lifespan Informatics and Neuroimaging Center (PI: Theodore Satterthwaite)!

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